Na početku godine imamo i prvi blagdan.
Katolička crkva slavi blagdan Tri Kralja, dok pravoslavna na taj dan slavi badnjak.
Dan nakon Badnjaka pravoslavna crkva slavi Božić.
Onaj blagdan koji su katolici slavili 25. prosinca.
Sa wikipedije prenosim:
Sveta tri kralja ili sveti magi su u kršćanskoj tradiciji kraljevi ili mudraci, koji su se, prema evanđelju, došli pokloniti Isusu nakon rođenja. Često se zovu Baltazar, Melkior i Gašpar; u Bibliji se ne navode imena.
Prema Evanđelju po Mateju, došli su „s istoka” (Partsko Carstvo) u Jeruzalem, da se poklone Isusu. Pratili su betlehemsku zvijezdu. U Jeruzalemu, primio ih je kralj Herod, koji ih je želio prevariti, s ciljem da mu kažu, gdje se Isus rodio, tako da ga može ubiti. Kada su pronašli Isusa, darovali su mu tri dara: tamjan (kao Bogu), zlato (kao kralju) i plemenitu mast, smirnu (kao čovjeku). Potom im Bog zapovijedi da se ne vraćaju Herodu i vrate se drugim putem u svoju zemlju. Tri kralja su predstavnici poganskih naroda, koje je Bog pozvao u svoje kraljevstvo, time što im je javio rođenje Spasitelja.
Zanimljivost je da Melkior je zaštitnik putnika i Svjetskog dana mladih, a Baltazar oboljelih od epilepsije.
At the beginning of the year we have the first feast.
The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Epiphany, when the Orthodox on this day celebrating Christmas.
Day after Christmas Eve Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas.
The one holiday that Catholics celebrated the 25th December
From Wikipedia spread by:
Epiphany, or the holy magi in Christian tradition, kings, or Magi, who, according to the Gospel, after Jesus came to give birth. Often called Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar, the Bible does not say names.
According to the Gospel of Matthew, came "from the East" (Partsko Empire) in Jerusalem to worship Jesus. They followed the star of Bethlehem. In Jerusalem, received by the King Herod, who wanted to cheat, in order to tell him where Jesus was born, so that it can kill. When they found Jesus, gave him three gifts: incense (as God), gold (as king) and noble mast, myrrh (a man). Then God commands them not to return to Herod, and returned it the other way in his country. Three kings were the representatives of the peoples, called by God in his kingdom, time they reported the birth of the Savior.
It is interesting that Melchior is the patron of travelers, and World Youth Day, and Baltazar suffering from epilepsy.
četvrtak, 5. siječnja 2012.
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