Iako si redovnik Isusovac koji bi trebao poštovat svakoga to naravno za tebe ne vrijedi.
Znam da ne želiš čuti za mene iako te služba treba učit drugačije.
Dobro sam. Živ i zdrav.
Informacije o tebi mi dolaze preko naših zajedničkih prijatelja koje redovno pozdravljaš i s kojima si u kontaktu.
Ne znam dali te katolička teologija u Rimu ući da se ne družiš sa psihički bolesnim ljudima.
Naravno da te tvoji Hrvatski poglavari u tome podržavaju.
Molim za tebe i dalje i drago mi je da si dobro.
Pomoli se za mene i zapamti.
Meni je svaka osoba draga bez obzira što mi rade.
Tvoj bivši prijatelj iz Zagreba
A friend.
Although Jesuit monk who you should respect everyone, obviously, does not apply to you.
I know you do not want to hear me, even though these services should be taught differently.
I'm fine. Alive and healthy.
Information about you we collect through our mutual friends who regularly pozdravljaš is where you are in contact.
I do not know whether the Catholic theology in Rome learns not to hang around with mentally ill people.
Of course you and your Croatian leaders that support.
I pray for you still and I'm glad you're okay.
Prayed for me and remember.
Menu is dear to every person no matter what we do.
Your former friend from Zagreb
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