Psihički bolesnici su u Hrvatskoj građani drugog reda.
To osječam na vlastitoj koži.
Oni koji bi trebali biti uz nas i koji bi nam trebali dati pomoć i potporu nas gledaju kao bolesnike.
Pogotovo se to osječa u manjim sredinama gdje takve osobe nemaju potporu okoline.
Čak nas i vjerski dužnosnici odbacuju i s takvim osobama imaju što manje kontakta.
Takve osobe su prepuštene sami sebi.
Neki odustaju od terapija jer ne vide izlaz.
Stigmatizacija je normalna stvar kod takvih osoba.
Padaju u teške depresije i često se vračaju u ustanove i odjele za takve bolesnike gdje se oporave i tako u krug.
Mnoge obitelji ne prihvačaju i tamo imaju velikih problema.
Često takve osobe obitelji izoliraju od okoline i zatvore jer ih se srame.
Kako doznajem tako je svuda u svijetu.
Mentally ill in Croatia are second-class citizens.
I feel in my own skin.
Those who should be with us and that should give us the help and support us look like an invalid.
Especially to be felt in smaller communities where such persons do not have the support of the environment.
Even us, and religious officials rejected any such persons have as little contact.
Such persons are left alone.
Some drop out of therapy because they do not see a way out.
Stigmatization is a normal thing for these people.
Falling into severe depression and often returned to the institutions and departments where these patients recover, and so on.
Many families do not accept and there are big problems.
Often these people are isolated from family and close environment because they are ashamed.
As we found out that everywhere in the world.
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