Več dugo nisam bio na misu.
Odgovori na pitanje prijateljima svečenicima ne stižu.
Odgovori redovnica isto.
Sve je po starom a ja osječam izolaciju od strane katoličke crkve u Hrvatskoj.
Iako molim i pokušavam glumit da je sve OK ipak nije.
Nije jer iako je sve na privid sve kako treba i ja bi se trebao pomirit sa činjenicom da sam odbačen od strane katoličke crkve u Hrvatskoj mene to boli.
Idem i dalje u crkvu ali osječam da mi tu nije mjesto.
Pokušavam sa novim projektima ali vrata su zatvorena.
Znam da su mi uvijek otvoren prozor jer iako se gleda nije sve tako crno.
Doći će i moje vrijeme mada kako vidim mene je vrijeme pregazilo.
For a long time I was at mass.
Answers to the question of clergy friends arrive.
Reply nuns also.
Everything is old and I feel the isolation of the Catholic Church in Croatia.
While praying and trying to pretend that everything is not OK.
It's not as though everything is an illusion everything right and I should come to terms with the fact that I was rejected by the Catholic Church in Croatia, it hurts me.
Move ahead to the church but I feel that this is not my place.
I try with new projects, but the doors are closed.
I know that we always open the window because, although it did not look all bad.
He will come and my time but I can see my time has caught up.
četvrtak, 12. siječnja 2012.
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