Ovih dana je hladno.
Na ulicama naših mjesta ima beskučnika.
Njima je najteže. Njihovi životi su ugroženi jer se ne mogu ugrijat. Nemaju se gdje ugrijat i prespavat na toplome.
Bog je uz njih jer oni su ptice nebeske.
Sjetimo se njih u naše molitve jer njihovi životi su po ovom vremenu jako ugroženi.
Veči gradovi u Hrvatskoj imaju su skloništa za beskučnike. Rade se dodatni kapaciteti da se svi mogu sklonit od hladnoća.
Bože. Čuvaj beskučnike u ove hladne dane.
These days it's cold.
On the streets of our town has a homeless man.
They are the hardest. Their lives are threatened because they can not get warm. They have no where to warm up and sleep in a warm place.
God is with them because they are birds.
Let us remember them in our prayers, because their lives were at this time very vulnerable.
Major cities in Croatia have been homeless shelters. They are additional facilities that everyone can shelter from the cold.
Oh, God. Take care of the homeless in these cold days.
In diesen Tagen ist es kalt.
Auf den Straßen unserer Stadt hat ein Obdachloser.
Sie sind die härtesten. Ihr Leben ist bedroht, weil sie nicht warm werden. Sie haben keinen, wo zum Aufwärmen und Schlafen in einem warmen Ort.
Gott ist mit ihnen, weil sie Vögel sind.
Erinnern wir uns an sie in unseren Gebeten, denn ihr Leben war zu dieser Zeit sehr anfällig.
Größere Städte in Kroatien sind Obdachlosenheime worden. Sie sind zusätzliche Einrichtungen, die jeder vor der Kälte schützen können.
Oh, Gott. Achten Sie auf die Obdachlosen in diesen kalten Tagen.
Ces jours-ci il fait froid.
Dans les rues de notre ville a un homme sans-abri.
Ils sont les plus difficiles. Leurs vies sont menacées parce qu'elles ne peuvent pas se réchauffer. Ils n'ont nulle part où se réchauffer et dormir dans un endroit chaud.
Dieu est avec eux parce qu'ils sont des oiseaux.
Laissez-nous souvenons d'eux dans nos prières, parce que leurs vies étaient à ce moment très vulnérables.
Les grandes villes en Croatie ont été des refuges pour itinérants. Ils sont facilités supplémentaires que chacun puisse l'abri du froid.
Oh, mon Dieu. Prendre soin des sans-abri dans ces jours de grand froid.
Te dni jest zimno.
Na ulicach naszego miasta jest bezdomny.
Są one najtrudniejsze. Ich życie jest zagrożone, ponieważ nie mogą się ogrzać. Nie mają gdzie się rozgrzać i spać w ciepłym miejscu.
Bóg jest z nimi, ponieważ są one ptakami.
Pamiętajmy o nich w naszych modlitwach, bo ich życie było w tym czasie bardzo wrażliwy.
Dużych miast w Chorwacji zostały schroniska dla bezdomnych. Są to dodatkowe udogodnienia, które każdy może schronienie przed zimnem.
O, Boże. Zadbaj o bezdomnych w te zimne dni.
utorak, 31. siječnja 2012.
ponedjeljak, 23. siječnja 2012.
Hrvatska uskoro u EU - Croatia soon in the EU
Jučer je u mojoj zemlji bio referendum za ulazak u Europsku uniju.
Večina je bila za ulazak Hrvatske u EU.
Ja sam bio protiv jer smatram da će se unija uskoro raspast.
Mnoge zemlje koje su razvijenije nisu u uniji i mislim da će sve krenut na loše.
U mnogim državama koje su u uniji su demonstracije jer se živi lošije.
Moja zemlja je lijepa ali mislim da će sada mnogi postat još siromašniji i da će podjela u bogate i siromašne biti velika.
Isto tako mislim da će unija za moju zemlju donjet puno toga loše.
Znam da se sada miče sa balkana ali Hrvatska je uvijek bila balkanska zemlja.
Samostalnost je bila važna a sada zemlja neće biti samostalna.
EU je po mome zlo.
Yesterday, in my country was a referendum on accession to the European Union.
Most were of Croatian accession to the EU.
I was against, because I believe that the Union will soon disintegrate.
Many countries that have developed are not in a union and I think it will all go to the poor.
In many states that are in union demonstrations because they live worse.
My country is beautiful but I think many people will now become even poorer and that the division into rich and poor to be big.
I also think that the union of my country will bring much more poorly.
I know that now moves to the Balkans, but Croatia has always been a Balkan country.
Independence was important and now the country would not be independent.
The EU is in my bad.
Gestern, in meinem Land war ein Referendum über den Beitritt zur Europäischen Union.
Die meisten wurden von kroatischen Beitritt zur EU.
Ich war dagegen, weil ich glaube, dass die Union bald zerfallen.
Viele Länder, die entwickelt haben, sind nicht in einer Gewerkschaft, und ich denke, es wird alles an die Armen gehen.
In vielen Staaten, die in Verbindung Demonstrationen sind, weil sie schlechter leben.
Mein Land ist wunderschön, aber ich denke, viele Leute werden jetzt noch ärmer und die Aufteilung in Arm und Reich zu groß sein.
Ich denke auch, dass die Vereinigung von meinem Land wird viel schlechter zu bringen.
Ich weiß, dass jetzt bewegt sich auf dem Balkan, aber Kroatien ist seit jeher ein Land auf dem Balkan gewesen.
Independence war wichtig, und jetzt würde das Land nicht unabhängig sein.
Die EU ist in meinen schlechten.
Hier, dans mon pays était un référendum sur l'adhésion à l'Union européenne.
La plupart étaient d'adhésion de la Croatie à l'UE.
J'étais contre, parce que je crois que l'Union va bientôt se désintégrer.
De nombreux pays qui ont développé ne sont pas dans un syndicat et je pense que tout cela va aller vers les pauvres.
Dans de nombreux États qui sont dans les manifestations syndicales, car ils vivent pire.
Mon pays est beau mais je pense que beaucoup de gens seront devenus encore plus pauvres et que la division entre riches et pauvres d'être grand.
Je pense aussi que l'union de mon pays apportera beaucoup plus mal.
Je sais que se déplace maintenant vers les Balkans, mais la Croatie a toujours été un pays des Balkans.
L'indépendance a été important et maintenant le pays ne serait pas indépendant.
L'UE est dans mon mauvais.
Večina je bila za ulazak Hrvatske u EU.
Ja sam bio protiv jer smatram da će se unija uskoro raspast.
Mnoge zemlje koje su razvijenije nisu u uniji i mislim da će sve krenut na loše.
U mnogim državama koje su u uniji su demonstracije jer se živi lošije.
Moja zemlja je lijepa ali mislim da će sada mnogi postat još siromašniji i da će podjela u bogate i siromašne biti velika.
Isto tako mislim da će unija za moju zemlju donjet puno toga loše.
Znam da se sada miče sa balkana ali Hrvatska je uvijek bila balkanska zemlja.
Samostalnost je bila važna a sada zemlja neće biti samostalna.
EU je po mome zlo.
Yesterday, in my country was a referendum on accession to the European Union.
Most were of Croatian accession to the EU.
I was against, because I believe that the Union will soon disintegrate.
Many countries that have developed are not in a union and I think it will all go to the poor.
In many states that are in union demonstrations because they live worse.
My country is beautiful but I think many people will now become even poorer and that the division into rich and poor to be big.
I also think that the union of my country will bring much more poorly.
I know that now moves to the Balkans, but Croatia has always been a Balkan country.
Independence was important and now the country would not be independent.
The EU is in my bad.
Gestern, in meinem Land war ein Referendum über den Beitritt zur Europäischen Union.
Die meisten wurden von kroatischen Beitritt zur EU.
Ich war dagegen, weil ich glaube, dass die Union bald zerfallen.
Viele Länder, die entwickelt haben, sind nicht in einer Gewerkschaft, und ich denke, es wird alles an die Armen gehen.
In vielen Staaten, die in Verbindung Demonstrationen sind, weil sie schlechter leben.
Mein Land ist wunderschön, aber ich denke, viele Leute werden jetzt noch ärmer und die Aufteilung in Arm und Reich zu groß sein.
Ich denke auch, dass die Vereinigung von meinem Land wird viel schlechter zu bringen.
Ich weiß, dass jetzt bewegt sich auf dem Balkan, aber Kroatien ist seit jeher ein Land auf dem Balkan gewesen.
Independence war wichtig, und jetzt würde das Land nicht unabhängig sein.
Die EU ist in meinen schlechten.
Hier, dans mon pays était un référendum sur l'adhésion à l'Union européenne.
La plupart étaient d'adhésion de la Croatie à l'UE.
J'étais contre, parce que je crois que l'Union va bientôt se désintégrer.
De nombreux pays qui ont développé ne sont pas dans un syndicat et je pense que tout cela va aller vers les pauvres.
Dans de nombreux États qui sont dans les manifestations syndicales, car ils vivent pire.
Mon pays est beau mais je pense que beaucoup de gens seront devenus encore plus pauvres et que la division entre riches et pauvres d'être grand.
Je pense aussi que l'union de mon pays apportera beaucoup plus mal.
Je sais que se déplace maintenant vers les Balkans, mais la Croatie a toujours été un pays des Balkans.
L'indépendance a été important et maintenant le pays ne serait pas indépendant.
L'UE est dans mon mauvais.
utorak, 17. siječnja 2012.
Život kao izazov - Life as a challenge
Svaki dan je izazov.
Svakim buđenjem dobijemo priliku živjet taj dan.
Često toga nismo svjesni.
Kada bi svaki puta zahvalili za taj dan, mislim da bi mogli biti još sretniji.
Vjera bez obzira koja je to bila donosi toga puno toga dobroga.
Mada ima onih kojima je vjera glupost.
Dali smo danas nekome poklonili osmjeh?
Osmjeh je lijek.
Život bez obzira kakav je dar.
Trebamo živjet taj dar, bez obzira kako nam je.
Dali smo zdravi ili bolesni.
Moj životni moto je 'Život je borba, bori se'.
Bori se za taj dar.
Samo je jedan život.
Mnogi bi bili sretni da su imali priliku živjet.
Every day is a challenge.
Every waking you get a chance to live that day.
Often we are not aware of that.
If every time thank for that day, I think it could be even happier.
Faith no matter what it was that brought a lot of good things.
Although there are those whose faith is nonsense.
We gave a gift to someone smile today?
A smile is a drug.
Life no matter what kind of gift.
We need to live this gift, no matter how we are.
Did are healthy or sick.
My motto is 'Life is a struggle, fight.'
Fight for this gift.
There is only one life.
Many would be happy to have had a chance to live.
Jeder Tag ist eine Herausforderung.
Jedes Aufwachen bekommen Sie eine Chance zu leben an diesem Tag.
Oft sind wir nicht bewusst.
Wenn jedes Mal für diesen Tag bedanken, ich denke, es könnte sogar noch glücklicher.
Der Glaube, egal was es war, brachte eine Menge guter Dinge.
Zwar gibt es diejenigen, deren Glaube ist Unsinn.
Wir haben ein Geschenk für jemanden Lächeln heute?
Ein Lächeln ist eine Droge.
Das Leben, egal, welche Art von Geschenk.
Wir müssen dieses Geschenk zu leben, egal wie wir sind.
Haben sich gesund oder krank.
Mein Motto lautet "Leben ist ein Kampf, kämpfen."
Kampf für dieses Geschenk.
Es gibt nur ein Leben.
Viele würden gerne gehabt zu haben, eine Chance zu leben.
Chaque jour est un défi.
Chaque réveil, vous obtenez une chance de vivre cette journée.
Souvent nous ne sommes pas conscients de cela.
Si à chaque fois merci pour cette journée, je pense qu'il pourrait être encore plus heureux.
La foi, peu importe ce que c'était que a apporté beaucoup de bonnes choses.
Bien, il ya ceux dont la foi est une absurdité.
Nous avons donné un cadeau à quelqu'un sourire aujourd'hui?
Un sourire est une drogue.
La vie, peu importe quel genre de cadeau.
Nous avons besoin de vivre ce don, peu importe comment nous sommes.
Saviez sont en bonne santé ou malades.
Ma devise est «La vie est un combat, se battre."
Battez-vous pour ce don.
Il n'ya qu'une seule vie.
Beaucoup seraient heureux d'avoir eu la chance de vivre.
Svakim buđenjem dobijemo priliku živjet taj dan.
Često toga nismo svjesni.
Kada bi svaki puta zahvalili za taj dan, mislim da bi mogli biti još sretniji.
Vjera bez obzira koja je to bila donosi toga puno toga dobroga.
Mada ima onih kojima je vjera glupost.
Dali smo danas nekome poklonili osmjeh?
Osmjeh je lijek.
Život bez obzira kakav je dar.
Trebamo živjet taj dar, bez obzira kako nam je.
Dali smo zdravi ili bolesni.
Moj životni moto je 'Život je borba, bori se'.
Bori se za taj dar.
Samo je jedan život.
Mnogi bi bili sretni da su imali priliku živjet.
Every day is a challenge.
Every waking you get a chance to live that day.
Often we are not aware of that.
If every time thank for that day, I think it could be even happier.
Faith no matter what it was that brought a lot of good things.
Although there are those whose faith is nonsense.
We gave a gift to someone smile today?
A smile is a drug.
Life no matter what kind of gift.
We need to live this gift, no matter how we are.
Did are healthy or sick.
My motto is 'Life is a struggle, fight.'
Fight for this gift.
There is only one life.
Many would be happy to have had a chance to live.
Jeder Tag ist eine Herausforderung.
Jedes Aufwachen bekommen Sie eine Chance zu leben an diesem Tag.
Oft sind wir nicht bewusst.
Wenn jedes Mal für diesen Tag bedanken, ich denke, es könnte sogar noch glücklicher.
Der Glaube, egal was es war, brachte eine Menge guter Dinge.
Zwar gibt es diejenigen, deren Glaube ist Unsinn.
Wir haben ein Geschenk für jemanden Lächeln heute?
Ein Lächeln ist eine Droge.
Das Leben, egal, welche Art von Geschenk.
Wir müssen dieses Geschenk zu leben, egal wie wir sind.
Haben sich gesund oder krank.
Mein Motto lautet "Leben ist ein Kampf, kämpfen."
Kampf für dieses Geschenk.
Es gibt nur ein Leben.
Viele würden gerne gehabt zu haben, eine Chance zu leben.
Chaque jour est un défi.
Chaque réveil, vous obtenez une chance de vivre cette journée.
Souvent nous ne sommes pas conscients de cela.
Si à chaque fois merci pour cette journée, je pense qu'il pourrait être encore plus heureux.
La foi, peu importe ce que c'était que a apporté beaucoup de bonnes choses.
Bien, il ya ceux dont la foi est une absurdité.
Nous avons donné un cadeau à quelqu'un sourire aujourd'hui?
Un sourire est une drogue.
La vie, peu importe quel genre de cadeau.
Nous avons besoin de vivre ce don, peu importe comment nous sommes.
Saviez sont en bonne santé ou malades.
Ma devise est «La vie est un combat, se battre."
Battez-vous pour ce don.
Il n'ya qu'une seule vie.
Beaucoup seraient heureux d'avoir eu la chance de vivre.
ponedjeljak, 16. siječnja 2012.
Božični turnir - Christmas tournament
U subotu 14. siječnja 2012. u dvorani srednje škole u Dobojskoj ulici u Zagrebu odigran je Božićni turnir u mješovita (cure i dečki zajedno) u organizaciji Katoličke odbojkaške lige i povjerenstva za sportaše Zagrebačke nadbiskupije.
Sudjelovalo je 4 ekipe iz Zagreba i Velike Gorice.
Sudac cijelog turnira bila je Maja Malkoć koja je sve odradila korektno.
Igralo se jedno kružno tj svaka je ekipa odigrala 3 utakmice.
Na kraju najbolji rezultat sa sve tri pobjede imala je ekipa Sv. Josipa sa Trešnjevke.
Drugo mjesto osvojila je ekipa Navještenje iz Velike Gorice.
Treće mjesto osvojila je ekipa Sv. Antun Padovanski sa Sv. Duha.
Četvrto mjesto osvojila je ekipa Sv. Antun Padovanski iz Sesvetskih Sela.
Božićni turnir je postao tradicija uz Uskrscup.
On Saturday 14th January 2012. Hall high school in the Doboj streets in Zagreb played a Christmas tournament in mixed (girls and boys together) in the organization of the Catholic volleyball leagues and commissions for the athletes of the Zagreb Archdiocese.
Present were four teams from Zagreb and Velika Gorica.
Judge of the tournament was Maja Malkoc which is all done correctly.
She played one round, ie, each team played three matches.
In the end the best result with all three winning teams had Sv. Joseph with Trešnjevke.
Second place went to team Annunciation in Velika Gorica.
Third place went to Team St.. With St. Anthony of Padua. The Spirit.
Fourth place went to Team St.. Anthony of Padua from Sesvetskih Sela.
Christmas tournament has become a tradition with Uskrscup.
Sudjelovalo je 4 ekipe iz Zagreba i Velike Gorice.
Sudac cijelog turnira bila je Maja Malkoć koja je sve odradila korektno.
Igralo se jedno kružno tj svaka je ekipa odigrala 3 utakmice.
Na kraju najbolji rezultat sa sve tri pobjede imala je ekipa Sv. Josipa sa Trešnjevke.
Drugo mjesto osvojila je ekipa Navještenje iz Velike Gorice.
Treće mjesto osvojila je ekipa Sv. Antun Padovanski sa Sv. Duha.
Četvrto mjesto osvojila je ekipa Sv. Antun Padovanski iz Sesvetskih Sela.
Božićni turnir je postao tradicija uz Uskrscup.
On Saturday 14th January 2012. Hall high school in the Doboj streets in Zagreb played a Christmas tournament in mixed (girls and boys together) in the organization of the Catholic volleyball leagues and commissions for the athletes of the Zagreb Archdiocese.
Present were four teams from Zagreb and Velika Gorica.
Judge of the tournament was Maja Malkoc which is all done correctly.
She played one round, ie, each team played three matches.
In the end the best result with all three winning teams had Sv. Joseph with Trešnjevke.
Second place went to team Annunciation in Velika Gorica.
Third place went to Team St.. With St. Anthony of Padua. The Spirit.
Fourth place went to Team St.. Anthony of Padua from Sesvetskih Sela.
Christmas tournament has become a tradition with Uskrscup.
četvrtak, 12. siječnja 2012.
Odbačen od crkve - Rejected by the church
Več dugo nisam bio na misu.
Odgovori na pitanje prijateljima svečenicima ne stižu.
Odgovori redovnica isto.
Sve je po starom a ja osječam izolaciju od strane katoličke crkve u Hrvatskoj.
Iako molim i pokušavam glumit da je sve OK ipak nije.
Nije jer iako je sve na privid sve kako treba i ja bi se trebao pomirit sa činjenicom da sam odbačen od strane katoličke crkve u Hrvatskoj mene to boli.
Idem i dalje u crkvu ali osječam da mi tu nije mjesto.
Pokušavam sa novim projektima ali vrata su zatvorena.
Znam da su mi uvijek otvoren prozor jer iako se gleda nije sve tako crno.
Doći će i moje vrijeme mada kako vidim mene je vrijeme pregazilo.
For a long time I was at mass.
Answers to the question of clergy friends arrive.
Reply nuns also.
Everything is old and I feel the isolation of the Catholic Church in Croatia.
While praying and trying to pretend that everything is not OK.
It's not as though everything is an illusion everything right and I should come to terms with the fact that I was rejected by the Catholic Church in Croatia, it hurts me.
Move ahead to the church but I feel that this is not my place.
I try with new projects, but the doors are closed.
I know that we always open the window because, although it did not look all bad.
He will come and my time but I can see my time has caught up.
Odgovori na pitanje prijateljima svečenicima ne stižu.
Odgovori redovnica isto.
Sve je po starom a ja osječam izolaciju od strane katoličke crkve u Hrvatskoj.
Iako molim i pokušavam glumit da je sve OK ipak nije.
Nije jer iako je sve na privid sve kako treba i ja bi se trebao pomirit sa činjenicom da sam odbačen od strane katoličke crkve u Hrvatskoj mene to boli.
Idem i dalje u crkvu ali osječam da mi tu nije mjesto.
Pokušavam sa novim projektima ali vrata su zatvorena.
Znam da su mi uvijek otvoren prozor jer iako se gleda nije sve tako crno.
Doći će i moje vrijeme mada kako vidim mene je vrijeme pregazilo.
For a long time I was at mass.
Answers to the question of clergy friends arrive.
Reply nuns also.
Everything is old and I feel the isolation of the Catholic Church in Croatia.
While praying and trying to pretend that everything is not OK.
It's not as though everything is an illusion everything right and I should come to terms with the fact that I was rejected by the Catholic Church in Croatia, it hurts me.
Move ahead to the church but I feel that this is not my place.
I try with new projects, but the doors are closed.
I know that we always open the window because, although it did not look all bad.
He will come and my time but I can see my time has caught up.
ponedjeljak, 9. siječnja 2012.
Niža rasa za katoličke svečenike - The lower races of Catholic priests
Ovih dana osjetio sam koliko katolički svečenici i redovnici drže do sebe i svog ugleda.
Ja kao osoba ne pripadam toj klasi i oni ne žele komunicirat s menom. Osječam se kao osoba druge vrste.
Naravno da je davno kada sam im trebao i kada nisam bio bolestan redovno su kontaktirali s menom.
Danas se oni drže visoko i kao da ne žele imat bilo kakvu kominikaciju s menom, osobom druge vrste i staleža.
Ja za njih ne postojim mada su mediji puni negativnih stvari koje se za njih piše.
Do kada to ide, ne znam ali znam da nisam jedini i da to mnogima rade.
Katolička crkva u Hrvatskoj jako puno toga stavlja pod tepih i jako puno toga prešučuje.
Najnovije je izbacivanje svečenika iz svojih redova jer je ušao u parlament dok drugi pedofil je dobio premještaj u drugu župu.
These days, I felt as Catholic priests and monks keep to themselves and their reputation.
I am as a person does not belong to this class and they want to communicate with me. I feel like other people.
Of course that was long ago when I needed them when I was sick regularly have contact with me.
Today they are kept high, and as you do not want to have any kominikaciju with me, someone of a different type and class.
I do not exist for them, although the media are full of negative things to them writes.
Do you go to, I do not know but I know that I'm not alone and that many sites do.
The Catholic Church in Croatia has a lot to put under the carpet and so much unsaid.
The latest is the eject priests from its ranks since he entered the Parliament while other pedophile got a transfer to another parish.
It is enough.
Ja kao osoba ne pripadam toj klasi i oni ne žele komunicirat s menom. Osječam se kao osoba druge vrste.
Naravno da je davno kada sam im trebao i kada nisam bio bolestan redovno su kontaktirali s menom.
Danas se oni drže visoko i kao da ne žele imat bilo kakvu kominikaciju s menom, osobom druge vrste i staleža.
Ja za njih ne postojim mada su mediji puni negativnih stvari koje se za njih piše.
Do kada to ide, ne znam ali znam da nisam jedini i da to mnogima rade.
Katolička crkva u Hrvatskoj jako puno toga stavlja pod tepih i jako puno toga prešučuje.
Najnovije je izbacivanje svečenika iz svojih redova jer je ušao u parlament dok drugi pedofil je dobio premještaj u drugu župu.
These days, I felt as Catholic priests and monks keep to themselves and their reputation.
I am as a person does not belong to this class and they want to communicate with me. I feel like other people.
Of course that was long ago when I needed them when I was sick regularly have contact with me.
Today they are kept high, and as you do not want to have any kominikaciju with me, someone of a different type and class.
I do not exist for them, although the media are full of negative things to them writes.
Do you go to, I do not know but I know that I'm not alone and that many sites do.
The Catholic Church in Croatia has a lot to put under the carpet and so much unsaid.
The latest is the eject priests from its ranks since he entered the Parliament while other pedophile got a transfer to another parish.
It is enough.
četvrtak, 5. siječnja 2012.
Tri Kralja - Three Kings
Na početku godine imamo i prvi blagdan.
Katolička crkva slavi blagdan Tri Kralja, dok pravoslavna na taj dan slavi badnjak.
Dan nakon Badnjaka pravoslavna crkva slavi Božić.
Onaj blagdan koji su katolici slavili 25. prosinca.
Sa wikipedije prenosim:
Sveta tri kralja ili sveti magi su u kršćanskoj tradiciji kraljevi ili mudraci, koji su se, prema evanđelju, došli pokloniti Isusu nakon rođenja. Često se zovu Baltazar, Melkior i Gašpar; u Bibliji se ne navode imena.
Prema Evanđelju po Mateju, došli su „s istoka” (Partsko Carstvo) u Jeruzalem, da se poklone Isusu. Pratili su betlehemsku zvijezdu. U Jeruzalemu, primio ih je kralj Herod, koji ih je želio prevariti, s ciljem da mu kažu, gdje se Isus rodio, tako da ga može ubiti. Kada su pronašli Isusa, darovali su mu tri dara: tamjan (kao Bogu), zlato (kao kralju) i plemenitu mast, smirnu (kao čovjeku). Potom im Bog zapovijedi da se ne vraćaju Herodu i vrate se drugim putem u svoju zemlju. Tri kralja su predstavnici poganskih naroda, koje je Bog pozvao u svoje kraljevstvo, time što im je javio rođenje Spasitelja.
Zanimljivost je da Melkior je zaštitnik putnika i Svjetskog dana mladih, a Baltazar oboljelih od epilepsije.
At the beginning of the year we have the first feast.
The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Epiphany, when the Orthodox on this day celebrating Christmas.
Day after Christmas Eve Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas.
The one holiday that Catholics celebrated the 25th December
From Wikipedia spread by:
Epiphany, or the holy magi in Christian tradition, kings, or Magi, who, according to the Gospel, after Jesus came to give birth. Often called Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar, the Bible does not say names.
According to the Gospel of Matthew, came "from the East" (Partsko Empire) in Jerusalem to worship Jesus. They followed the star of Bethlehem. In Jerusalem, received by the King Herod, who wanted to cheat, in order to tell him where Jesus was born, so that it can kill. When they found Jesus, gave him three gifts: incense (as God), gold (as king) and noble mast, myrrh (a man). Then God commands them not to return to Herod, and returned it the other way in his country. Three kings were the representatives of the peoples, called by God in his kingdom, time they reported the birth of the Savior.
It is interesting that Melchior is the patron of travelers, and World Youth Day, and Baltazar suffering from epilepsy.
Katolička crkva slavi blagdan Tri Kralja, dok pravoslavna na taj dan slavi badnjak.
Dan nakon Badnjaka pravoslavna crkva slavi Božić.
Onaj blagdan koji su katolici slavili 25. prosinca.
Sa wikipedije prenosim:
Sveta tri kralja ili sveti magi su u kršćanskoj tradiciji kraljevi ili mudraci, koji su se, prema evanđelju, došli pokloniti Isusu nakon rođenja. Često se zovu Baltazar, Melkior i Gašpar; u Bibliji se ne navode imena.
Prema Evanđelju po Mateju, došli su „s istoka” (Partsko Carstvo) u Jeruzalem, da se poklone Isusu. Pratili su betlehemsku zvijezdu. U Jeruzalemu, primio ih je kralj Herod, koji ih je želio prevariti, s ciljem da mu kažu, gdje se Isus rodio, tako da ga može ubiti. Kada su pronašli Isusa, darovali su mu tri dara: tamjan (kao Bogu), zlato (kao kralju) i plemenitu mast, smirnu (kao čovjeku). Potom im Bog zapovijedi da se ne vraćaju Herodu i vrate se drugim putem u svoju zemlju. Tri kralja su predstavnici poganskih naroda, koje je Bog pozvao u svoje kraljevstvo, time što im je javio rođenje Spasitelja.
Zanimljivost je da Melkior je zaštitnik putnika i Svjetskog dana mladih, a Baltazar oboljelih od epilepsije.
At the beginning of the year we have the first feast.
The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Epiphany, when the Orthodox on this day celebrating Christmas.
Day after Christmas Eve Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas.
The one holiday that Catholics celebrated the 25th December
From Wikipedia spread by:
Epiphany, or the holy magi in Christian tradition, kings, or Magi, who, according to the Gospel, after Jesus came to give birth. Often called Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar, the Bible does not say names.
According to the Gospel of Matthew, came "from the East" (Partsko Empire) in Jerusalem to worship Jesus. They followed the star of Bethlehem. In Jerusalem, received by the King Herod, who wanted to cheat, in order to tell him where Jesus was born, so that it can kill. When they found Jesus, gave him three gifts: incense (as God), gold (as king) and noble mast, myrrh (a man). Then God commands them not to return to Herod, and returned it the other way in his country. Three kings were the representatives of the peoples, called by God in his kingdom, time they reported the birth of the Savior.
It is interesting that Melchior is the patron of travelers, and World Youth Day, and Baltazar suffering from epilepsy.
utorak, 3. siječnja 2012.
Pismo bivšem prijatelju sada Isusovačkom redovniku - Letter from a former friend now Jesuit monk
Iako si redovnik Isusovac koji bi trebao poštovat svakoga to naravno za tebe ne vrijedi.
Znam da ne želiš čuti za mene iako te služba treba učit drugačije.
Dobro sam. Živ i zdrav.
Informacije o tebi mi dolaze preko naših zajedničkih prijatelja koje redovno pozdravljaš i s kojima si u kontaktu.
Ne znam dali te katolička teologija u Rimu ući da se ne družiš sa psihički bolesnim ljudima.
Naravno da te tvoji Hrvatski poglavari u tome podržavaju.
Molim za tebe i dalje i drago mi je da si dobro.
Pomoli se za mene i zapamti.
Meni je svaka osoba draga bez obzira što mi rade.
Tvoj bivši prijatelj iz Zagreba
A friend.
Although Jesuit monk who you should respect everyone, obviously, does not apply to you.
I know you do not want to hear me, even though these services should be taught differently.
I'm fine. Alive and healthy.
Information about you we collect through our mutual friends who regularly pozdravljaš is where you are in contact.
I do not know whether the Catholic theology in Rome learns not to hang around with mentally ill people.
Of course you and your Croatian leaders that support.
I pray for you still and I'm glad you're okay.
Prayed for me and remember.
Menu is dear to every person no matter what we do.
Your former friend from Zagreb
Iako si redovnik Isusovac koji bi trebao poštovat svakoga to naravno za tebe ne vrijedi.
Znam da ne želiš čuti za mene iako te služba treba učit drugačije.
Dobro sam. Živ i zdrav.
Informacije o tebi mi dolaze preko naših zajedničkih prijatelja koje redovno pozdravljaš i s kojima si u kontaktu.
Ne znam dali te katolička teologija u Rimu ući da se ne družiš sa psihički bolesnim ljudima.
Naravno da te tvoji Hrvatski poglavari u tome podržavaju.
Molim za tebe i dalje i drago mi je da si dobro.
Pomoli se za mene i zapamti.
Meni je svaka osoba draga bez obzira što mi rade.
Tvoj bivši prijatelj iz Zagreba
A friend.
Although Jesuit monk who you should respect everyone, obviously, does not apply to you.
I know you do not want to hear me, even though these services should be taught differently.
I'm fine. Alive and healthy.
Information about you we collect through our mutual friends who regularly pozdravljaš is where you are in contact.
I do not know whether the Catholic theology in Rome learns not to hang around with mentally ill people.
Of course you and your Croatian leaders that support.
I pray for you still and I'm glad you're okay.
Prayed for me and remember.
Menu is dear to every person no matter what we do.
Your former friend from Zagreb
Dali su psihički bolesne osobe drugačije od ostalih - Do mentally ill people differently than other
Psihički bolesnici su u Hrvatskoj građani drugog reda.
To osječam na vlastitoj koži.
Oni koji bi trebali biti uz nas i koji bi nam trebali dati pomoć i potporu nas gledaju kao bolesnike.
Pogotovo se to osječa u manjim sredinama gdje takve osobe nemaju potporu okoline.
Čak nas i vjerski dužnosnici odbacuju i s takvim osobama imaju što manje kontakta.
Takve osobe su prepuštene sami sebi.
Neki odustaju od terapija jer ne vide izlaz.
Stigmatizacija je normalna stvar kod takvih osoba.
Padaju u teške depresije i često se vračaju u ustanove i odjele za takve bolesnike gdje se oporave i tako u krug.
Mnoge obitelji ne prihvačaju i tamo imaju velikih problema.
Često takve osobe obitelji izoliraju od okoline i zatvore jer ih se srame.
Kako doznajem tako je svuda u svijetu.
Mentally ill in Croatia are second-class citizens.
I feel in my own skin.
Those who should be with us and that should give us the help and support us look like an invalid.
Especially to be felt in smaller communities where such persons do not have the support of the environment.
Even us, and religious officials rejected any such persons have as little contact.
Such persons are left alone.
Some drop out of therapy because they do not see a way out.
Stigmatization is a normal thing for these people.
Falling into severe depression and often returned to the institutions and departments where these patients recover, and so on.
Many families do not accept and there are big problems.
Often these people are isolated from family and close environment because they are ashamed.
As we found out that everywhere in the world.
To osječam na vlastitoj koži.
Oni koji bi trebali biti uz nas i koji bi nam trebali dati pomoć i potporu nas gledaju kao bolesnike.
Pogotovo se to osječa u manjim sredinama gdje takve osobe nemaju potporu okoline.
Čak nas i vjerski dužnosnici odbacuju i s takvim osobama imaju što manje kontakta.
Takve osobe su prepuštene sami sebi.
Neki odustaju od terapija jer ne vide izlaz.
Stigmatizacija je normalna stvar kod takvih osoba.
Padaju u teške depresije i često se vračaju u ustanove i odjele za takve bolesnike gdje se oporave i tako u krug.
Mnoge obitelji ne prihvačaju i tamo imaju velikih problema.
Često takve osobe obitelji izoliraju od okoline i zatvore jer ih se srame.
Kako doznajem tako je svuda u svijetu.
Mentally ill in Croatia are second-class citizens.
I feel in my own skin.
Those who should be with us and that should give us the help and support us look like an invalid.
Especially to be felt in smaller communities where such persons do not have the support of the environment.
Even us, and religious officials rejected any such persons have as little contact.
Such persons are left alone.
Some drop out of therapy because they do not see a way out.
Stigmatization is a normal thing for these people.
Falling into severe depression and often returned to the institutions and departments where these patients recover, and so on.
Many families do not accept and there are big problems.
Often these people are isolated from family and close environment because they are ashamed.
As we found out that everywhere in the world.
ponedjeljak, 2. siječnja 2012.
Novogodišnje odluke - New Year's resolutions
Došla je i nova 2012 godina.
Mnogi su donjeli velike odluke koje bi se trebali pridržavat i biti im oslonac u godini koja dolazi.
Dali su to realne odluke? Mnoge jesu ali ima i onih koji nisu.
Koliko su te odluke bile realne pokazat će vrijeme.
Samo treba imat konstantu u tome.
She came to the new 2012.
Many have brought major decisions should adhere to and be their support in the coming year.
They gave it a real decision? Many are, but there are those who did not.
How are these decisions were realistic, time will tell.
Only needs to have a constant in it.
Mnogi su donjeli velike odluke koje bi se trebali pridržavat i biti im oslonac u godini koja dolazi.
Dali su to realne odluke? Mnoge jesu ali ima i onih koji nisu.
Koliko su te odluke bile realne pokazat će vrijeme.
Samo treba imat konstantu u tome.
She came to the new 2012.
Many have brought major decisions should adhere to and be their support in the coming year.
They gave it a real decision? Many are, but there are those who did not.
How are these decisions were realistic, time will tell.
Only needs to have a constant in it.
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