Na kraju smo još jedne godine.
Kada se gleda bila je prosječna.
Osobno vrlo teška.
Svatko ju je dožio na svoj naćin.
Izgubili smo puno ljudi koji su obilježili svojim radom.
Isto tako mnoge su obitelji dobile djecu.
Na kraju zahvaljujem Bogu što sam još takav kakav sam.
Što imam posao, krov nad glavom i obitelj.
Istina je da se ova obitelj rasipa i rasipat će se i u godini koja dolazi.
Možda ostanem sam. Ali na to sam spreman.
Finally we have one more year.
When looking at was the average.
Personally very difficult.
Everyone is in thy own way.
We lost a lot of people that have marked his work.
Also, many families have kids.
In the end, thank God I am what I am still kind.
I have a job, shelter, and family.
The truth is that this family is wasted and will dissipate in the coming year.
You may be alone. But to this I am ready.
četvrtak, 29. prosinca 2011.
utorak, 27. prosinca 2011.
Božić - Christmas
Došao je još jedan Božić. Blagdan topline i obiteljskog okupljanja.
Danas dva dana nakon blagdana ovaj dah se još osječa mada su mnogi koji rade danas na svojim radnim mjestima.
Gradovi su poluprazni, javni prijevoz vozi rijeđe.
Mnogi koji nemaju dobili za ovaj blagdan barem mali znak pažnje.
Kada bi ovaj blagdan bio cijele godine mislim da bi se svijet promjenio na bolje.
Da nebi bilo krize i recesije.
Isus se rodio skromno.
Danas mnogi žive jako skromno, a mnogi su i usamljeni.
Mnogima je ovo jedan od dio godine kada se obitelj okuplja.
Mnogima je ovo dio godine kada padaju u blagdansku depresiju jer se obitelj smanjuje ili su ostali sami.
Dolazi još jedan blagdan ali ovaj traje samo jedan dan. To je početak nove godine.
He came one Christmas. Feast of warmth and family gatherings.
Today, two days after the feast of the breath is still felt, although many are now working on their jobs.
Cities are running low, public transportation vehicles less.
Many who have received for this holiday, at least a small token of appreciation.
If this feast was the year I think the world has changed for the better.
To avoid any crisis and recession.
Jesus was born humbly.
Today many live very modestly, and many are lonely.
To many this is one of the year when the family gathers.
To many this time of year when the holiday falls on a depression because it reduces the family or the other alone.
Comes another holiday, but this only lasts one day. This is the beginning of the new year.
Danas dva dana nakon blagdana ovaj dah se još osječa mada su mnogi koji rade danas na svojim radnim mjestima.
Gradovi su poluprazni, javni prijevoz vozi rijeđe.
Mnogi koji nemaju dobili za ovaj blagdan barem mali znak pažnje.
Kada bi ovaj blagdan bio cijele godine mislim da bi se svijet promjenio na bolje.
Da nebi bilo krize i recesije.
Isus se rodio skromno.
Danas mnogi žive jako skromno, a mnogi su i usamljeni.
Mnogima je ovo jedan od dio godine kada se obitelj okuplja.
Mnogima je ovo dio godine kada padaju u blagdansku depresiju jer se obitelj smanjuje ili su ostali sami.
Dolazi još jedan blagdan ali ovaj traje samo jedan dan. To je početak nove godine.
He came one Christmas. Feast of warmth and family gatherings.
Today, two days after the feast of the breath is still felt, although many are now working on their jobs.
Cities are running low, public transportation vehicles less.
Many who have received for this holiday, at least a small token of appreciation.
If this feast was the year I think the world has changed for the better.
To avoid any crisis and recession.
Jesus was born humbly.
Today many live very modestly, and many are lonely.
To many this is one of the year when the family gathers.
To many this time of year when the holiday falls on a depression because it reduces the family or the other alone.
Comes another holiday, but this only lasts one day. This is the beginning of the new year.
srijeda, 21. prosinca 2011.
Božična toplina - Christmas warmth
Božič kuca na vrata.
Osječa se polako ta toplina koju ovaj blagdan donosi.
Mnogi će je provest u svojim obiteljima, dragim osobama.
Isto tako mnogi će je provest sami u svojim sobama staračkih domova, bolnicama, zatvorima, samostanima i u mislima i sa čeznjom čekat da ih obiđu oni s kojima su oni nekad čekali i radovali se ovom blagdanu.
Ima onih koji će biti na svojim radim mjestima udaljeni od svojih.Običaja je puno i za svaki kraj je drugačiji.
Ipak ima nešto zajedničko.
Mali Isus koji se ponovno rađa u našim srcima.
Pokušajmo to podjelit i sa našim članovima obitelji koji u božičnoj noći neće biti s nama.
Nije bitan po kojem kalendaru ga slavimo.
Božić je blagdan nove nade, novog života.
Ako imamo nekoga u obitelji koji neće u to vrijeme biti s nama pokušajmo ga razveselit svojim dolaskom. To će im najveći poklon koji bi mogli dobit. Srce će im biti radosno jer ipak se neće osječat sami.
Christmas knocking at the door.
He feels the warmth that slowly this holiday brings.
Many will spend with their families, loved ones.
Also, many will be carried out alone in their rooms, nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, convents and thoughts and the desire to wait so that they marched with whom they sometimes waited and rejoiced this holiday season.
There are those who will be at their work places away from her.
The custom is a lot for each region is different.
Yet there is something in common.
Baby Jesus to be reborn in our hearts.
Let's try to share with our family members on Christmas night will be with us.
Does not matter on which we celebrate the calendar.
Christmas is a feast of new hope, new life.
If you have a family who will in time be with us, let's try it delighted by its arrival. This will give them the greatest gift you could get. The heart will be joyful because this will not feel alone.
Osječa se polako ta toplina koju ovaj blagdan donosi.
Mnogi će je provest u svojim obiteljima, dragim osobama.
Isto tako mnogi će je provest sami u svojim sobama staračkih domova, bolnicama, zatvorima, samostanima i u mislima i sa čeznjom čekat da ih obiđu oni s kojima su oni nekad čekali i radovali se ovom blagdanu.
Ima onih koji će biti na svojim radim mjestima udaljeni od svojih.Običaja je puno i za svaki kraj je drugačiji.
Ipak ima nešto zajedničko.
Mali Isus koji se ponovno rađa u našim srcima.
Pokušajmo to podjelit i sa našim članovima obitelji koji u božičnoj noći neće biti s nama.
Nije bitan po kojem kalendaru ga slavimo.
Božić je blagdan nove nade, novog života.
Ako imamo nekoga u obitelji koji neće u to vrijeme biti s nama pokušajmo ga razveselit svojim dolaskom. To će im najveći poklon koji bi mogli dobit. Srce će im biti radosno jer ipak se neće osječat sami.
Christmas knocking at the door.
He feels the warmth that slowly this holiday brings.
Many will spend with their families, loved ones.
Also, many will be carried out alone in their rooms, nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, convents and thoughts and the desire to wait so that they marched with whom they sometimes waited and rejoiced this holiday season.
There are those who will be at their work places away from her.
The custom is a lot for each region is different.
Yet there is something in common.
Baby Jesus to be reborn in our hearts.
Let's try to share with our family members on Christmas night will be with us.
Does not matter on which we celebrate the calendar.
Christmas is a feast of new hope, new life.
If you have a family who will in time be with us, let's try it delighted by its arrival. This will give them the greatest gift you could get. The heart will be joyful because this will not feel alone.
utorak, 13. prosinca 2011.
Tjedan u oći Božića - Week in the Eyes of Christmas - Die Woche vor Weihnachten
Još samo tjedan dana i evo nam Božić.
Puno je akcija i puno je obilazaka onih koje se ni ne sjetimo tjekom godine nego samo za važnije blagdane kao što je ovaj.
Koliko je posjet važan svakome tko je usamljen i nema nikoga govori podatak da su za njih ovi blagdani stresni.
O iščekivanju su kada će i oni krenut u nebo.
Mnoga djeca su u domovima. Tamo ih je puno i nemaju pažnju kao da su u svojoj obitelji.
Neki bi radije da obitelj bolja jer mnoga djeca pate radi nasilje u obitelji.
Mnoga dijeca su u bolnicama jer im stanje ne dozvoljava da budu u svojoj obitelji kod kuće i da radosno proslave blagdane u radosti i veselju.
Božić je blagdan rođenja novog života. Nakon tjedan dana je i nova godina. Sve je puno simbola.
Puno je pjesama ispjevano povodom ovog blagdana. Tradicijske pjesme svakog kraja dolaze do izražaja.
U tjednu koji dolazi pokušat ću objasnit neke znakove ovog blagdana.
Just a week ago and here is our Christmas.
A lot of action and lots of visits to those that do not even remember during the year, but only for major holidays such as this.
How important is the visit to anyone who is lonely and no one is the fact that for them these holidays stressful.
The expectation is when they will move in the sky.
Many children are in homes. There are a lot of attention and do not like that in my family.
Some would prefer that their family is better for many children to suffer domestic violence.
Many Children in hospital because their condition does not allow to be in your family at home, and that joyful celebrations of joy and gladness.
Christmas is the feast of the birth of new life. After a week of the new year. Everything is full of symbols.
A lot of the songs sung on the occasion of this feast. Traditional songs of each region are coming to the fore.
In the weeks to come I'll try to explain some of the signs of the holidays.
Puno je akcija i puno je obilazaka onih koje se ni ne sjetimo tjekom godine nego samo za važnije blagdane kao što je ovaj.
Koliko je posjet važan svakome tko je usamljen i nema nikoga govori podatak da su za njih ovi blagdani stresni.
O iščekivanju su kada će i oni krenut u nebo.
Mnoga djeca su u domovima. Tamo ih je puno i nemaju pažnju kao da su u svojoj obitelji.
Neki bi radije da obitelj bolja jer mnoga djeca pate radi nasilje u obitelji.
Mnoga dijeca su u bolnicama jer im stanje ne dozvoljava da budu u svojoj obitelji kod kuće i da radosno proslave blagdane u radosti i veselju.
Božić je blagdan rođenja novog života. Nakon tjedan dana je i nova godina. Sve je puno simbola.
Puno je pjesama ispjevano povodom ovog blagdana. Tradicijske pjesme svakog kraja dolaze do izražaja.
U tjednu koji dolazi pokušat ću objasnit neke znakove ovog blagdana.
Just a week ago and here is our Christmas.
A lot of action and lots of visits to those that do not even remember during the year, but only for major holidays such as this.
How important is the visit to anyone who is lonely and no one is the fact that for them these holidays stressful.
The expectation is when they will move in the sky.
Many children are in homes. There are a lot of attention and do not like that in my family.
Some would prefer that their family is better for many children to suffer domestic violence.
Many Children in hospital because their condition does not allow to be in your family at home, and that joyful celebrations of joy and gladness.
Christmas is the feast of the birth of new life. After a week of the new year. Everything is full of symbols.
A lot of the songs sung on the occasion of this feast. Traditional songs of each region are coming to the fore.
In the weeks to come I'll try to explain some of the signs of the holidays.
Noch eine
Woche und schon ist Weihnachten.
Es gibt
viele Aktionen und wir besuchen viele, an die wir während des Jahres nicht
einmal denken, sondern nur an wichtigen Festen wie dieses.
wichtig ein Besuch für jeden ist, der alleine ist und der niemanden hat, zeigt
die Tatsache, dass für sie diese Feiertage besonders schwierig sind.
Sie sind
voller Erwartung, wann sie in den Himmel aufbrechen.
Kinder sind in Heimen. Dort sind sie viele und bekommen nicht jene
Aufmerksamkeit, die sie in ihren Familien hätten. Viele wünschen sich eine
bessere Familie, weil viele Kinder unter Gewalt in der Familie leiden.
Kinder sind in Spitälern, weil ihr Zustand es nicht erlaubt, dass sie zuhause
bei ihren Familien sind, um die Feiertage fröhlich in Freude und Glück zu
ist der Feiertag der Geburt eines neuen Lebens. Nach einem Jahr ist auch
Neujahr. Alles ist voller Symbole.
Lieder besingen diese Feiertage, die traditionellen Lieder jedes Gebietes
kommen zum Ausdruck.
In der
Woche die kommt, werde ich versuchen, einige Zeichen dieses Feiertages zu
ponedjeljak, 12. prosinca 2011.
Odvojenost obitelji u ove dane - Separation of families these days - Die Trennung von Familienmitgliedern in diesen Tagen
Dolazi nam još jedan kraj godine.
Božić i nova godina nam kucaju na vrata.
Koliko smo se sami pripremili da ove blagdane provedemo u miru sa svojim obiteljima.
Božić je obiteljski blagdan. Obitelj se na badnju večer okuplja oko stola a u ponoč je u mnogim katoličkim crkvama posebna misa.
U današnja vremena mnogi stariji članovi obitelji su pretežno u staračkim domovima. Njima je najteže jer se tih dana sječaju kako su nekad slavili doma.
Pokušajmo se u ove dane posvetit malo više upravo onima koji su udaljeni od obitelji.
Isto tako na sam Božić odvojimo malo vremena i obiđimo ih u domovima i tako im damo malo više pažnje.
Znam da će mnogi novu godinu doćekat u društvu i na raznim dočecima nove godine. Možda kada se probudimo opet obiđemo naše najmilije koji će biti u domovima.
Comes another end of the year.
Christmas and new year we are knocking on the door.
How can we prepare ourselves to spend the holidays in peace with their families.
Christmas is a family feast. The family gathers on Christmas Eve around the table and at midnight in many Catholic churches in particular thought.
At the present time, many older family members are mostly in nursing homes. Them is difficult because in those days remember how they used to celebrate at home.
Let's try it in these days devote a little more precisely those who are away from their families.
Also, at Christmas, take a little time, and marched them into the homes and thus give them more attention.
I know that many will welcome the new year in the company at various dočecima new year. Maybe when we wake up again, go around our loved ones who will be in homes.
Božić i nova godina nam kucaju na vrata.
Koliko smo se sami pripremili da ove blagdane provedemo u miru sa svojim obiteljima.
Božić je obiteljski blagdan. Obitelj se na badnju večer okuplja oko stola a u ponoč je u mnogim katoličkim crkvama posebna misa.
U današnja vremena mnogi stariji članovi obitelji su pretežno u staračkim domovima. Njima je najteže jer se tih dana sječaju kako su nekad slavili doma.
Pokušajmo se u ove dane posvetit malo više upravo onima koji su udaljeni od obitelji.
Isto tako na sam Božić odvojimo malo vremena i obiđimo ih u domovima i tako im damo malo više pažnje.
Znam da će mnogi novu godinu doćekat u društvu i na raznim dočecima nove godine. Možda kada se probudimo opet obiđemo naše najmilije koji će biti u domovima.
Comes another end of the year.
Christmas and new year we are knocking on the door.
How can we prepare ourselves to spend the holidays in peace with their families.
Christmas is a family feast. The family gathers on Christmas Eve around the table and at midnight in many Catholic churches in particular thought.
At the present time, many older family members are mostly in nursing homes. Them is difficult because in those days remember how they used to celebrate at home.
Let's try it in these days devote a little more precisely those who are away from their families.
Also, at Christmas, take a little time, and marched them into the homes and thus give them more attention.
I know that many will welcome the new year in the company at various dočecima new year. Maybe when we wake up again, go around our loved ones who will be in homes.
Es naht noch ein Jahresende.
Weihnachten und das neue Jahr
klopfen an unsere Tür.
Wie gut haben wir uns darauf
vorbereitet, die Feiertage in Ruhe mit unseren Familien zu verbringen?
Weihnachten ist ein Familienfest.
Die Familie versammelt sich am Heiligen Abend um den Tisch, um Mitternacht
findet in vielen katholischen Kirchen eine besondere Messe statt.
Heutzutage sind viele ältere
Familienmitglieder überwiegend in Altersheimen. Ihnen fällt es besonders
schwer, weil sie in diesen Tagen daran denken, wie sie seinerzeit zuhause
gefeiert haben.
Versuchen wir in diesen Tagen,
ein wenig mehr Aufmerksamkeit jenen zu schenken, die von ihren Familien
getrennt sind. Ebenso sollen wir am Weihnachtstag selbst ein wenig Zeit für
jene abzweigen, die getrennt sind, und sie in Heimen besuchen, damit sie mehr
Aufmerksamkeit erhalten.
Ich weiß dass viele von uns das
Neue Jahr mit Freunden begrüßen werden. Wenn wir danach aufwachen, sollten wir
vielleicht erneut unsere Liebsten besuchen, die in Heimen sind.
ponedjeljak, 5. prosinca 2011.
Dan nakon parlamentarnih izbora - The day after the parliamentary elections - Der Tag nach den Parlamentswahlen
U Hrvatskoj su prošle nedjelje održani izbori za sabor.
Pobjedila je opcija koju je narod očekivao.
Gubitnici se ne mogu pomirit. Teško je nakon osam godina otič sa vlasti.
Več prvi dan se osječaju rezovi koji su najavljeni.
Bit će toga dosta do ulaska Hrvatske u EU.
Dolazi jako teško vrijeme za Hrvatsku.
Mnogi ne žele u EU.
Za dva mjeseca Hrvatska će odlučivat dali želi u EU ili ne. Puno je opcija ali svi se slažu da nam EU ne treba.
Bivša vladajuća stranka dala je puno da se ipak uđe.
Nova vlast će imat jako težak posao.
Država je pred bankrotom, plače ne dolaze na vrijeme, puno je nezaposlenih.
Za želimo novoj vlasti puno sreće i pameti jer zbilja neće biti lako dovest ovu državu i stanje kakvo je bilo nekad.
In Croatia, last week held elections for Parliament.
Won the options that people have expected.
Losers can not be reconciled. It is difficult after eight years to go with power.
The very first day they feel the cuts were announced.
It will be a lot more to the Croatian accession to the EU.
Comes very difficult time for Croatia.
Many do not want the EU.
For two months Croatia will decide whether the EU wants to or not. There are many options but they all agree that the EU does not need us.
The former ruling party has given a lot to enter yet.
The new government will have a hard job.
The state is bankrupt, do not come crying to time, a lot of unemployed.
For we want the new government a lot happiness and wisdom, because reality will not be easy to lead this country and the way they were before.
Pobjedila je opcija koju je narod očekivao.
Gubitnici se ne mogu pomirit. Teško je nakon osam godina otič sa vlasti.
Več prvi dan se osječaju rezovi koji su najavljeni.
Bit će toga dosta do ulaska Hrvatske u EU.
Dolazi jako teško vrijeme za Hrvatsku.
Mnogi ne žele u EU.
Za dva mjeseca Hrvatska će odlučivat dali želi u EU ili ne. Puno je opcija ali svi se slažu da nam EU ne treba.
Bivša vladajuća stranka dala je puno da se ipak uđe.
Nova vlast će imat jako težak posao.
Država je pred bankrotom, plače ne dolaze na vrijeme, puno je nezaposlenih.
Za želimo novoj vlasti puno sreće i pameti jer zbilja neće biti lako dovest ovu državu i stanje kakvo je bilo nekad.
In Croatia, last week held elections for Parliament.
Won the options that people have expected.
Losers can not be reconciled. It is difficult after eight years to go with power.
The very first day they feel the cuts were announced.
It will be a lot more to the Croatian accession to the EU.
Comes very difficult time for Croatia.
Many do not want the EU.
For two months Croatia will decide whether the EU wants to or not. There are many options but they all agree that the EU does not need us.
The former ruling party has given a lot to enter yet.
The new government will have a hard job.
The state is bankrupt, do not come crying to time, a lot of unemployed.
For we want the new government a lot happiness and wisdom, because reality will not be easy to lead this country and the way they were before.
In Kroatien fanden letzten
Sonntag Parlamentswahlen statt.
Gewonnen hat jene Gruppierung,
die das Volk erwartet hat.
Die Verlierer können sich damit
nicht abfinden. Es fällt schwer, sich nach acht Jahren von der Macht zu
Schon am ersten Tag spürt man die
angekündigten Einschnitte.
Davon gibt es viele bis zum
Beitritt Kroatiens zur EU.
Es kommt für Kroatien eine sehr
schwere Zeit.
Viele wollen nicht in die EU.
In zwei Monaten soll Kroatien
entscheiden ob es in die EU will oder nicht. Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, alle
sind sich einig, dass wir die EU nicht brauchen.
Die ehemals Regierenden haben
viel dafür getan, dass Kroatien trotzdem beitritt.
Die neue Regierung wird eine
schwere Aufgabe haben.
Der Staat steht vor dem Bankrott,
die Gehälter kommen nicht rechtzeitig, es gibt viele Arbeitslose.
Wünschen wir der neuen Regierung
viel Glück und Weisheit, denn es wird wirklich nicht einfach, den Staat wieder
in jenen Zustand zu bringen, den wir seinerzeit hatten.
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